Hello to all my furry friends! Mom finally left the computer alone long enough so that I could post. I don't know why she thinks she has to be right next to me when I am trying to update my blog. It is after all, mine now.
Anyhow, I said she's been busy, and she has. She put this up in our family room over the weekend.
WHY would anyone want to put a TREE in their family room? Well, while she was busy putting things on the tree, I was busy taking things off the tree. Mom didn't appreciate it very much. She kept putting stuff on, and I kept taking it off. After I'd take it off, I'd run for it! HA HA! She ended up chasing me all over the room.
Once she had the tree all decorated (that is what she called it) the fat cat came out- you know- SOX THE KITTY! Well, she thought she'd lay under the tree. I wondered, "Why can't I lay under the tree?" So, I went under the tree, too. Well, Kitty didn't like it that I was under HER tree. Excuse me, Kitty. I didn't know the tree had your name on it. Was what I was thinking. Then, I had a brilliant Air-idea! I would chase that FAT kitty. So, I started chasing her all around the tree. Its a miracle (that's what mom called it- whatever that is) that the tree actually stayed standing. I was having a ton of fun. That is.... um...until I ran into this.....

I hit it head on and our melons clanked together. I tell you....that thing just about scared the puppy poop right out of me. EEEEK I screamed! What was that? A very scawie snowman! Mom said, "That's what you get Lillie, for playing in the tree." Well, I avoided that snowman for a while. But I am right back at undecorating that tree. Mom says she's losing her patience with me. I say it's going to be a fun Christmas! Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.....