Hi Everypup! So, Friday started out like any other day. I was glad it was Friday because that means my hoomans will be home a couple days and I don't have to sit in Jail with Mr. Whiskers. Mom and Dad and the hooman pups were gone for awhile and I will share in a little while where they went, but first I have to say, I'M MOVING TO VANCOUVER to be with my Aire sister Miss Sunshade! Vancouver lets dogs go EVERYWHERE! (O-K I am NOT REALLY moving there- I just think we should since they let dogs go everywher in Vancouver). Here is MINNESOTA dogs aren't allowed ANYWHERE! Last night, mom packed up the car, and put me and the hooman pups in it. We were going on a very "special" walk. At least that is what mom said. We went to one of the local high schools where we saw a sign like this:
It may have well said "NO DOGS ALLOWED" cuz when we got there, that's what they told mom. I was being a very good Airegirl, and people LOVED me, but some army dude came up to mom and said "Didn't you hear the announcement? No DOGS allowed!" Mom and me and the hooman pups were looking for MY aunt LAURIE! Mom told me we do this walk every year around this time. But NO I couldn't do the walk, because "NO DOGS WERE ALLOWED"! Mom found MY aunt LAURIE and I got mad. MY AUNT took the hooman pups and left me with MOM. Mom said Lillie you are a good girl, lets go for a walk. So we walked and walked and walked. Then, mom took me to the car, and I had to stay there! Mom said she had to go get the hooman pups.

hooman pups were walking around a track. There were lots of bags on the track just like this one. This one is for MY aunt LAURIE! She is a cancer survivor. I don't know what can
sur is, but mom said we are lucky because MY aunt LAURIE is a survivor. Can
sur surviving is good (that's what mom said). Mom told me that MY aunt LAURIE has survived a brain tumor for 12 years! That is almost as old as Kendra is!

Since no DOGS were allowed, I couldn't go along the track or be anywhere near any of the fun stuff. I didn't have to wait too long in the
Lilliemobile for mom to come back with the
hooman pups. She told me she was really sorry and couldn't believe they wouldn't let DOGS in. Especially WELL BEHAVED ones (ahem- like ME). I told Mom I'm moving to Vancouver! That is it! I am going to move in with Miss Sunshade because she goes everywhere and
noone says "NO DOGS ALLOWED!" Before the Relay for life, my family had left me at home, alone to go watch Kendra.

She is in her Middle School's marching band, and because of that, she has been home with me ALL WEEK LONG! She has had practice almost every day. So she stays home with me until its time to practice, then she comes back. I don't get lonely at all. Kendra is in the color guard. She doesn't play a musical instrument. She twirls a flag and she's the best flag twirler I know (o-k, maybe she's the only flag twirler I know).

This was their first performance. They had a special "family night" which I might add DID NOT include ME (and I am part of the family). The kids were getting ready for their first parade on Saturday.

I really love soccer. The reason I love soccer is because both
hooman pups play it, and this is one place that DOGS ARE ALLOWED!! So I have been practicing and Kendra has made me the o-fish-all
mascot of her team. And look what she did......

You can't see it, but she took one of her REALLY old jerseys and now it is mine. It has HER number (and this year her number is 7 too) and put MY name L.
Valentine on the back. Isn't that cool? So now I can wear my own jersey to the games.

This isn't
a very good picture, because I wasn't being very cooperative, but here is a picture of me in MY jersey! Mom promises she will take some good ones of me and I
um didn't promise I'd be good but I'll try.
SO.......that's MY Friday. It was pretty good, except for the NO DOGS ALLOWED part. I just don't get it- why are we not allowed when we are so well behaved, and ahem....CUTE?
Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT weekend! MUAH
Lillie Valentine