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Monday, September 7, 2009


My hooman girl, my bestest friend in the world, who gives me ice cubes (I LOVE ice cubes) and rubs my belly and scratches me and lets me kiss her is 16 today!
Happy Birthday Spunky girl!


I'm currently at the spa, will be home tomorrow. Mom took the kids to Duluth for the weekend, and Whiskers went to mom's auntie's house (she has two annoying Pomerania's). I am too big to go to auntie's (plus I can't stand those annoying poms) so I went to the spa. I will blog again when I get back. Still no kitty.......Its been a week. We've looked EVERYWHERE. Kitty: COME HOME!!!


Duke said...

We were so hoping there was good news about your kitty!
Happy birthday to Kendra! 16 is a most special age!
Enjoy your spa day, Lilly V!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDRA!!! We are still crossing paws and hoping for Kitty's return.

Asta said...

Happy Birfday to Kenwa!!!
Wow 16..Mommi says it's a gweat age to be..I hope you have a giant celebwation togethew
smoochie kisses
pee ess
I'm still cwossing my paws too

Life With Dogs said...

At the spa? Wow do you lead a charmed existence. ;)
Happy birthday Ms. Kendra!

Anonymous said...

Sixteen, clumsy and shy for the humans -- but for a dog, just entering her distinguished phase. Here's to many more!
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy 16th Birthday, Kendra. The looks of that photo, you are ready for some celebrating. Hope you got all of your favorite treats and toys. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Mandiri Printing said...

very cool dog, is this your dog? thank you for showing this cool dog of yours

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