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Friday, September 21, 2007

Merci, Faya! I got my first barkday pressie!!

Hi Everypup! Mom has been talking about this very special day that is coming up soon. It happened shortly after Kendra's birthday last year. I am confused as to what it is exactly, but I am catching on quick. It seems that my husband TANNER (not doofus) just had one last week, and of course, you know Kendra had one too on the 7th. Then, to my SURPRISE, the postman brought me THIS package.

It traveled a very long way. I'll be honest, it didn't look like this when the postman brought it. I probably shouldn't call her a postman I should call her a postwoman because our post person is a SHE. Anyhow, dad said I HAD TO WAIT until MOM got home...... HMPH. I said. He put this lovely package on the counter, and when he turned his back, I took it.
AFTER had MY name on it. I could smell that it came from a wonderful DALE. It came all the way from Switzerland, from my friendale FAYA!!! Thank-you, Merci, Merci!!! (mom took french in Jr. high but she didn't do very well, she did, however remember how to properly say "thank-you".
I wanted to open it so badly, but dad said "NO!" I thought there must be something very good smelling in it, and I was right cuz when mom got home I ripped that package right open. (mom: She didn't need much help- she had it open most of the way by the time I got home from work).

There was this great card, with a picture of my friendale in it. Isn't she pretty?? It was hand made and everything!
It wishes me a happy birthday!! That is what mom was talking about- that special day! She tells me it is just a couple of days away and I will be "1"! My very first barkday with my family. I hope that I get lots of love and pressies from my family.......AND do you think I'll get a cake like Kendra did??? Do you? Do you? I can't wait. Sorry....I got side tracked thinking about my special day. Sometimes I do that.....Back to my pressie from Faya.

I got this cool birdie toy. It was great. You can't see it very well cuz once I took ahold of it I wouldn't share it OR let anyone see it!! MINE! MINE! Thank-you, I LOVE IT!
Then there were these treats. They are shaped like sausages and they are nummy. Mom made me share with Mr. Whiskers, and she said I can't have too many or I might get a tummy ache. They are very tasty!!
There was more, too! A cool bandanna. Its blue and I can't wait for mom to try it on me.
Thank-You FAYA for the wonderful 1st barkday pressie. I didn't even know it was my barkday until I got this. It was so sweet of you! I can't wait to see what OTHER surprises await me.


Faya said...

Lillie I could'nt resist ... you are so cute.... I am happy that you like the surprise.... Big big kisses, Faya

Dandy Duke said...

How sweet of Faya, Lillie! She sends the nicest gifts!
I didn't realize that your birthday was coming up! Will Kendra be baking you a cake?

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's really sweet of Faya to send you to lovely gifts. :)

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

The doofus is insisting on sending you a pressie so watch your mailbox soon, it might take him a while to figure out what to send, because it takes him a while to do anything.

except eat.


Stanley said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Lillie!

That Faya is the sweetest Airegirl, and she does send very good and tasty prezzies.

I hope you get many more surprises and a humongoose birthday cake! Will you be getting a visit from your hubby, Tanner?

Goober love,