Happy Birthday, Bubba!
Today, is my bestest hooman pup brother, Jordan's 9th Birthday!! Mom made him this awesome cake. I wouldn't leave her alone. I wanted that cake! He's having a birthday party with his friends from school and Disney's "Cars" is the theme. You can see Lightning McQueen on the cake. Mom decorated it herself. I personally think she did a great job. Jordan was so excited when he saw the cake!! I can't wait to taste it.
This package came this week in the mail. It is for the hooman pup. I wonder what it is? Do you know where it came from? Miss Sunshade, what do you think it is? Do you have ANY idea?? You are such a smart girl I thought maybe that you would know who sent it or what it might be. The hooman pup doesn't know that he got a gift in the mail yet. Shsh...Don't tell him. Its a surprise. He will get to open it tomorrow at his birthday party.
He is so lucky!! Tonight, those eveil hoomans locked me in the bathroom when they went out to eat. Jordan said he wanted to go to Space Aliens. Its this restaurant that has all these aliens and they have all these arcade games. He is so lucky. He gets to party all weekend long. He has parties tomorrow (Saturday) and on Sunday too. I will post more pictures from his party later. It is going to be alot of fun. Mom has been planning all these games and I can't wait to play them!!! I hope that I will be able to help Jordan open up his pressies.
Happy 9th Birthday, Bubba!! We love you.
Your bestes pup,
Lillie V
oh, sunshade sent the hooman pup a gift too? that's so nice of her. that gift definitely look HUGE for little me. i wonder what it is!
please, share the hooman pup pawty with us!
wet wet licks
That cake sure looks very YUMMY indeed. We dont want the car, we just want the cake.
Happy Birthday Jordan!
Boy n Baby
Happy Birthday Jordan!!!! Make sure Lillie gets a tiny piece of that cake, okay?
Love ya lots,
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