So you had a bad day.................
My day started out normal. I got up with the hoomans, they fed me and got ready for work. I napped with the male hooman pup before he had to get up and get ready for school, I went out to the bus stop and waited for the bus. All was fine and dandy until it was time to that horrible crate. My hoomans gave me a big crate- it is nice and roomy. I do not like the crate. Mom had said how proud she was of me because I was behaving so nicely in the big crate. I wasn't traveling all around the house in this crate. That was ah, umh, until today.
Today I decided to ski around the house in the crate, and I got too close to the stairs. I went down one flight of steps to the main entry way to the house. Then I went down another flight (shorter flight this time) to the basement door. I was really scared. It scared the poop right out of me.
When Kendra came home from school she didn't even see that I was at the bottom of the stairs- she went up to the kitchen as usual (I think mom says something about her having a blonde moment) anyhow, she was real scared. I was happy to see her. I jumped all over her. Kendra called mom right away at work and mom called the vet. Mom asked Kendra all these questions about my behavior. Kendra thought I seemed find.
So off to the vet we went. We waited, and waited and waited some more. Finally it was my turn. I was a bit more quiet than normal. The vet checked me over and thought I looked pretty good. That was, until she looked in my mouf. I didn't want her to look in my mouf. My mouf hurt. While I was bouncing around in the crate, I fractured some teef. Now don't worry they are just baby teef- two teef broke off and the pulp is showing. They are very sore. One toof fell out all together. The vet asked mom if she was going to have me spayed (I don't know what that is, it sounds weird). Mom told her yes she was going to have me spayed. The Vet told mom I had to have surgery to remove the broken teef as soon as possible. So, mom scheduled some "surgery" for me next week. I heard her talking to the vet and I didn't really get what they were saying. The Vet told mom to bring me back on Tuesday morning. She said I had to stay over night. I don't want to stay over night. I want to go home wiht my mom. I like sleeping in her bed with her. Anyway, I got some antibiotics for my teef so they don't get infected since they are broken off. I also have medicine so my teef don't hurt.
Mom went and got me some new toys so I have somefing to do when she is at work. I'm not to keen on the Kong. She got me a ball that makes noises when it rolls around. She also got me another type of ball that treats roll out of. I like to share it with Mr. Whiskers.
I am hoping that tomorrow is a better day. I saw Dad take the crate down into the basement. No more going down stairs for me. The hoomans are worried I am going to get hurt. But I am o-k, and mom is really glad.
Sorry that there aren't any pictures today. Mom didn't have time to take any pictures of me. I wasn't being very cooperative for her.
Thanks for stopping by to see me!
Sloppy kisses,
Lille Valentine