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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rainbow Bridge

It's with a very heavy heart that I must tell all of you that Miss Daisie Duke has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge. She just couldn't handle the kidney disease any longer. The past two days had become increasingly harder on her little body. We did everything we could to save her, but were unable to get her through this last crisis. I will continue this blog in honor of her memory and will introduce you all to her little sister, Lillie. Until next time............
Missing my little Daisie Duker.



Boo Casanova said...

Hi Amy,

Boo's Mom here. I'm sorry to hear the lost of Daisie. Keep strong!

Take Care

Sammie & Boo

Jay said...

Hi Amy,

This is J, Jay's owner. I'm so sorry to hear the loss of Daisie. Please be strong. I know that you have done everything you could.

Jay has kidney failure too, and I am saddened to hear about the passing of another of his kind from kidney problems.

However, I will always remember the following phrase - We take their pain into our hearts, so that they could be free!

Take care!


chiyo said...

dear amy and family,

i'm so sorry to hear this. but her suffering has ended, and she'll be at the other end of the rainbow bridge, once again healthy and watching over all of you. please take good care of yourself and your family.

HM and Chiyo

Myeo said...


We are very sorry to hear abt Daisie. Please be strong n take care.

Myeo, Boy n Baby.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

RIP Daisie - you fought a brave battle. Run free now.....

Hugs to your family.

Opy, Charlie, Brooke & Greg

Charlie - The Big Dog said...


I speak on behalf of all of the Dogs With Blogs.
We are all very sad, and very sorry for your loss. Please try to remain strong, and know we are all praying for you.

Lots Of Love from Charlie

Carbi Yarker said...

We are very sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs and licks from all of us.
Carbi, Aramis, Liz and James

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Big strong hugs to you all at the passing of Daisie Duke, RIP.

Thinking of you...

Chow for now and love,

Tin Tin & Jennifer

wally said...


So sorry to hear about your loss. One of our best friends, Tsamba the German Shepherd died from a similar condition last year and it is so hard to see them go. Please take care of yourself!

Wally, Ethel, and their Humans.

The Airechicks said...


I wish I new the magic word so missing Daisie wouldn't hurt .....

She is a "SUPER" cutie and Thank you for sharing her.

Love,Hugs & Belly Rubs,

Sherry - Lita -Trish (The Airedale Chicks)

Chelsea said...

Mama can't talk right now she is crying and I can't even stifle up a mini bark.
We are very sad for you and we don't know what to we won't say anything right now.

just sending hugs and licks

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...


We never got a chance to know Daisie yet we miss her. There are no words to ease the pain of your loss but please know that it is shared by every canine loving person. Daisie was lucky enough to have a loving family during her short life. You have been blessed with the memories she has given you. There are too few but they will always be precious.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy & Mom

Wired for Mackie said...

Hi Amy,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Daisy. Bless you for loving her and being there for her. She will feel so strong across the rainbow bridge.
With hugs and prayers,
Melissa and Mackie

FleasGang said...

Love and prayers for you and your familys' loss.

Simon, Scarlett, Shelly, Jason and Judy

L said...

We are so sorry to hear about the loss of Daisie. I'm sure she knows how much she was loved and how lucky she was to have people as caring as you. Be strong.
Comet and BLU

Boo Boo said...

Dear Amy,

Very sorry to hear about your loss. Please be strong.

I know exactly how it feels like, I lose 2 dogs due to old age, one in 2003, one in 2004 ... so i understand exactly what you are going through now.

Stay strong.

With love,
Gal Gal

JustMeCopper said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Hi Amy-

C-K-C's mom Kathleen here. I know you probably don't feel up to it right now but we will keep reading the blog as long as it is up. Please know you are in our hearts and prayers.

C-K-C and her mom Kathleen

fee said...

goodbye, daisie. i'm sorry you have to leave us so soon. but i know you now have no pain or illnesses; it's not allowed at rainbow bridge. they take all our pain away and make us new again. i know you will be busy making new friends and exploring new places, but do remember to send mommy amy some loving thoughts now and then so that she knows you are happy and well, so that she too will be happy and well.

Unknown said...

Dear Amy,
Sorry to hear the bad news today, be strong. May Daisie rest in peace.
We will always remember Daisie.

Sunshade said...

Amy, Daisie and I had soo much fun!! She looks soo happy there too, so don't worry about her ok?? She wants you, Kendra and Jordan to be happy and keep that Lillie in order...hehe!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Mum said...

Hi Amy & Family,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Daisie. I know it must be very hard to lose wonderful doggy family member. I am glad that you are going to continue to blog. -Hang in there.

Murphey said...

With tears in my eyes I read your post. We love our dogs with all our hearts, no matter how long they are with us. I know my Boo welcomed your Daisie to the Rainbow Bridge.

Murph's Lady

Charlie said...

We're so sad and sorry for your loss. No matter how long they're with us, it's always too short a time.
- Charlie

Boomer and his mom Carol said...

Hi Amy,

This is Boomer's mom Carol. I am so sorry to hear about your precious little Daisie passing on. You will be in our prayers.

Duke said...

My heart is breaking for you. Please know Amy, that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Sue and Maggie

Bogart H. Devil said...

Daisie, I hope you're running in some green flowery fields right now, chasing sticks and having fun.

To Daisie's parents, mom and I send all of our love to help you get through a difficult time.


Freda said...

Daisie, we barely knew ya but we feel your passin' deeply. I reeeallys wish I could have met you. We could be twins. In spirit, we are. Run free Daisie. I'll be lookin' for you at the end of every rainbow.



I am so sorry for your loss. Daisie's passing has really affected me. I can't believe how much Daisie and Freda look alike.

I hope you gain strength from all the great canine and human friends who have expressed their love and thoughts. We too will miss Daisie.

Freda's human.

Deanna said...

God-speed to the Bridge Daisie! We wish we had more time to get to know you.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

So sorry to hear of Daisie's moving on. She will always be with you in her special place in your heart.

Elaine and Buster

Khady Lynn said...


I am so sorry for your loss! Just know that you did a wonderful thing by taking care of sweet little Daisie, even if it was for such a short time. She had a loving family for her time here, and knows she was loved and very well cared for. Prayers from the Furry Five in Omaha.


Sophia and Abby said...

Hi Amy,

Sophia's mom here. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Daisie. It is so hard to lose our companions no matter what their age because we love them so much (and they us!). I'm sure she brought you much joy in the short time you had with her and you will treasure those memories.

Our Trubby, Riley and Brandi have already gone to the Rainbow Bridge and I'm sure they are welcoming Daisie. Our family’s thoughts and prayers are with you.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi there Amy, My name is Jeannie and I am owned by Marvin The Dog - Miss Sunshade's Mom let us know your sad news last evening.

I know there is nothing we can say to make things better. We are so, so, sorry.

Take care and you are all in our thoughts.

Daisie Duke was a Diamond Dog and her Sparkle will last with you forever.

I shed tears for you all this morning when I read the sad news.

Take care of yourself, love and light speeding your way from all of us here in Scotland.

Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Daisie may not have been here long but I bet she sure enjoyed her time with you! Take care ...

IndyPindy said...

I'm so sorry. Hugs and face licks to you. You did the best thing for Daisy, she is no longer in pain and she is free to run and play at the Rainbow Bridge with her friends.

Shmoo said...


The human woman here, on behalf of Meeshka, Sam (bionic hip puppy) and Loki the gimpy mutatoe, we wanted to send our condolences on the loss of Daisy.

Time is a wonderful healer, and we hope that it allows you some peace, and to know that Daisy is across the Rainbow Bridge, waiting until you are reunited once again.

The human woman, human man, Meeshka, Loki, and Sam (Nova old guy-guy, and Nikki already at the Rainbow Bridge)

MJ's doghouse said...

MJ and MJs mom here...mj wanted to type but she keeps whiping her tears...and it makes things sticky...we are really sorry to hear about poor Daisie...I dont know what i can say to you...just remember the good times...even if they were short. Mj sends you some big slobbery kisses.....

Toby said...

Hi Amy,

We are deeply sorry to hear of Daisie's passing...

Although shortened, Daisie had a great life and family that loved her very much.

We will be keeping Daisie in our thoughts. Please stay strong...


Herbie said...

So sorry to hear about daisy duke. Although she left you at such a young age, but her short life is filled with love and hugs and kisses. I'm sure she's happily romping at the rainbow bridge right now without the pain of diseases.

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

All my packmates and my people are really sorry about Daisie--but at least you know she had a great life while she was with you.

We lost one of our kitties recently and someone sent this quote to us. It's from Kahlil Gibran

"When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."


Ronak said...

We didn't know you, but we pray for you, for those who survive you, and we know that your light and your spirit will always be celebrated.
Amy, we are so so very sorry.

8675309 said...

Amy, I clicked over from Opy's blog.

I'm so sorry for your loss. As my roommate and I have often said with both lamentation and laughter, for some reason we're the kind of people to whom God entrusts the "special cases" of all kinds...and surely this has been your role in Daisy Duke's short but meaningful life, as well.

I pray you'll be comforted in the knowledge that there was no one who could have given her a better life. God surely had you in mind when He made her, knowing what her needs would be, and knowing also your heart's capacity for love and care and faithfulness.

Blessings, hugs and love to you,


Cairo The Boxer said...

I am so sorry to hear of you loss.