First of all, I need to wish a Happy Birfday to my BIG brother, Mr. Whiskers. He doesn't like the camera so I don't have a picture of him. Also, he is not feeling good. He had to go to the VET on HIS birfday. He was scratching his ears and they were really sore and red and nasty in there so mom had to take him in and he has a really bad ears infection. We didn't celebrate with him yet because he wasn't feeling good, and with all the OTHER celebratingins that the hoomans were doing we have to wait. I say HMPH no birfday cake. He says, its o-k I am 13 and REALLY feeling old.

We opened some pressies today. Santa came, and brought the hooman pups Lots of pressies. Me and Mr. Whiskers gots some pressies too.

Last night, they got pressies as well. From my Aunt Laurie and Uncle Bill. Aunt Laurie didn't bring ME any pressies though. I really love my Aunt Laurie and Uncle Bill but mom made me stay on the leash because my Grandma and Greatest Aunt was there and I get too excited and then I be naughty and jump and I's a really big girlie and mom is afraid I will knock them down. I needs to be much nicer when we have company but I gets so excited! People are at my house to visits me!! So, I told mom I'd be a good girl and be nice on the leash. And of course, I was!
Jordan got all this cool vikings wear. He got a vikings santa hat, a Adrian Peterson shirt that you can't see because it is under his cool Vikings sweatshirt. There is that mug. I think I might like to drink out of that mug! I might get it when it is in the sink!

Here is me opening MY Pressie from Santa. I got some toys and stuff in my stocking. I got some chewies and a ball, and a snowman, and a tennis ball bone.

Did you know that Dale elf's make treats? They do, they do! and their baked NOT fried. haha. Take a look here and see these Dale elf treats I got from Santa Paws.

Merry Christmas everypup! Hope you all got lots of nice pressies from Santa! I told Jordan I knew there was a Santa and he even believes it now!! He got some cool pressies from Santa. I will have to blog about that later. Mom says my compooter time is up. Thanks for visiting! Love ya!

HELP! I've turned into an elf. What happend to my ears?????
Merry Christmas my dear Lillie, to you and all your family. Kisses, Faya
Hi Lillie and merry Christmas to you and your family. You look like you had fun this Christmas.
Take care.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Merry Christmas, Lillie! It looks like you had a great time today and what nice gifts!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Lillie,
You are the cutest elf I have seen!
Merry Christmas to you and your family..
Looks like you had a splendid Christmas Lillie!
I hope Mr Whiskers is feeling a bit better. Us oldies need lots of TLC you know ;-)
Toodle pip,
Harry x
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Tanner said he wishes you were under our tree christmas morning!
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