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Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Mom's been busy, I've been busier

Hello to all my furry friends! Mom finally left the computer alone long enough so that I could post. I don't know why she thinks she has to be right next to me when I am trying to update my blog. It is after all, mine now.
Anyhow, I said she's been busy, and she has. She put this up in our family room over the weekend.

WHY would anyone want to put a TREE in their family room? Well, while she was busy putting things on the tree, I was busy taking things off the tree. Mom didn't appreciate it very much. She kept putting stuff on, and I kept taking it off. After I'd take it off, I'd run for it! HA HA! She ended up chasing me all over the room.

Once she had the tree all decorated (that is what she called it) the fat cat came out- you know- SOX THE KITTY! Well, she thought she'd lay under the tree. I wondered, "Why can't I lay under the tree?" So, I went under the tree, too. Well, Kitty didn't like it that I was under HER tree. Excuse me, Kitty. I didn't know the tree had your name on it. Was what I was thinking. Then, I had a brilliant Air-idea! I would chase that FAT kitty. So, I started chasing her all around the tree. Its a miracle (that's what mom called it- whatever that is) that the tree actually stayed standing. I was having a ton of fun. That is.... um...until I ran into this.....

I hit it head on and our melons clanked together. I tell you....that thing just about scared the puppy poop right out of me. EEEEK I screamed! What was that? A very scawie snowman! Mom said, "That's what you get Lillie, for playing in the tree." Well, I avoided that snowman for a while. But I am right back at undecorating that tree. Mom says she's losing her patience with me. I say it's going to be a fun Christmas! Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.....




Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hey there beautiful Lillie,

I'm droppin' by your smelly blogplace to thank you so much for your lovely Christmas card.

Daisie Duke looks just gorgeous in it, and it's a wonderful card.

Thanks again and chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Boo Casanova said...

hey lillie, finally the hooman allow you to use the computer. next time, bark to let them know you wanna surf the net once in a while too.

wow, the tree is sure full. why don't u help in decorating? coz u might be getting something from under the tree... but since you are still young and wanted to play, i dun really blame you for undecorating it. LOL

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Hey Lillie,
I would have chased that kitty too! Mom says I have to be good to stay on Santa's list so I'm tryin' my very best. Can you see the halo over my head on my photo?!
Love ya lots,

Faya said...

Hello Lillie,
Just like you I discover for the first time what Christmas is....but mom said "No Christmas Tree the first year".. and about Santa.... well I have meet him and it taste good....
Kiss, Faya

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hiya cutie pie!

If I had one of those trees in my house, I'd be climbing it. Or at least playing tennis with some of those fun ornaments...

Just a thought :)


Sunshade said...

Oh Lillie, you mean you didn't just grab onto one of the branches and PULL and watch the big tree come crashing down??? Just make sure you get out of the way fast enough ok??? Better to do this when the FAT kitty is under the tree!!

(shhhh..... don't tell your mama or she'll tell my mum and I'd be grounded..)

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Myeo said...

Hey Lillie

u have a lot of fun, didnt you. BE brave and bark at that snow man.Show him u are the boss around here not even the fat kitty..hehe

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Lillie,
Seem like you had a wonderful time 'undecorating' the tree!! To add to Sunshade's comment, remember to put on your best innocent look when it comes crashing down and you must look at the Fat Kitty when your mum ask who did it!!

Huskee Boy

Sunshade said...

Lillie Lillie, I got your boooootiful card today!! I think my mum is going to steal one of the pictures of the hooman pups and put it in a little frame. I told her those are MY favourite hooman pups, NOT hers.. but she won't listen...

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Fu Fu said...

Hey Lillie,
That's a very nice xmas tree you have there. ;)

~ fufu

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hey Lillie,

We got your card today and it is absolutely paw-some! Thanks!

Christmas tree's are fun to play in, and their good to scratch your back on too:-)


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hey Lillie,

I am six months old & still into everything, so my mum said "no tree this year" Oscar, same as Faya's mum. They are so mean. You are lucky to have such a nice mum to get you a tree t play with.

Oscar x

Deb said...

Hi Lillie, boy it sure sounds like you're having lots of fun! I used to do that when I was a young pup too! I got your Christmas card to day and it was sooo beautiful! Momma got a tear in her I when she saw Daisy-Duke. I had no idea we were neighbors. We only live about 5 miles apart, how 'bout that?! Here we meet doggies on DWB's from all over the world and here we are right in each others back yards. How cool is that?! Keep having fun with your un-decorating little Lillie!

Your pal,

Deb said...

Hi again Lillie,

Just wanted to let you know that I added you to my friends links and made a cute little button for you, but that was easy 'cause you're cute as button anyway!

Your pal,