Hi every pup! I finally got a few minutes on the compooter today.
You see, my mom has been very busy the last few months. Some of you doggies may know that my auntie Laurie had something really bad in her brain...She had two surgeries to try and make it go away. It didn't go away. The last few months my momma has been helping her out, and she wasn't doing good at all. My momma spent lots and lots of time at my auntie's house, and even I got to go over there to see if I could cheer her up. Last Sunday, my auntie went to heaven momma says and momma hopes that she met Beau her doggie at Rainbow Bridge and Jordan hopes that Daisie was at Rainbow Bridge waiting for our Auntie too. My momma she is so sad, and I've been trying to help my momma to not feel so sad. Momma says as soon as things settle down, I can start blogging again. Momma was busy trying to keep a caring bridge site up for my Auntie and that is why I couldn'd do so much blogging. So hopefully I'll be back real soon