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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day every dog and TANNER!

My mom's still gone. HMPH. I don't know when she will be hoMe. I couldn't even send anY VanEntiNes to my doggie friends or to my husband since I've been abandonneded. So I'm sneaking on here to wish everyone a Happy Heart day.! Mine is beating for Tan Torkelson. Hope yours is beating for someone special too!
Enjoy your day!
Lillie ValentInE

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Missing in action.....sorry

Hi everyone:
I know I've been missing for awhile but I can't help it. My mom has been busy with my Auntie Laurie. She has a brain tumor and is having surgery so my mom has been in Rochester and not at home with ME.

HMPH. Noone to chase after or beg from. Noone to hog the bed, or jump on. Noone to LOVE.

Say a prayer for my auntie and when mom gets back I PROMISE I will post again. Mom took some sporting new pictures of me and the hooman pups! I got a haircut and am looking very vogue...........

Love ya'll